Law Society-v-Richard Sutton Housley
Edinburgh 26 June 2015. The Tribunal having considered the Complaint dated 24 April 2015 at the instance of the Council of the Law Society of Scotland against Richard Sutton Housley, formerly of HMP Castle Huntly, Longforgan, Dundee and now at 13 Winton Loan, Edinburgh; Find that the Respondent has been convicted on three charges and sentenced to a term of imprisonment of four years, six months and six months to run concurrently and that accordingly Section 53(1)(b) of the Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980 applies to the circumstances of the case; Strike the name of the Respondent, Richard Sutton Housley, from the Roll of Solicitors in Scotland; Find the Respondent liable in the expenses of the Complainers and of the Tribunal including expenses of the Clerk, chargeable on a time and line basis as the same may be taxed by the Auditor of the Court of Session on an agent and client, client paying basis in terms of Chapter Three of the last published Law Society’s Table of Fees for general business with a unit rate of £14.00; and Direct that publicity will be given to this decision and that this publicity should include the name of the Respondent and may but has no need to include the names of anyone other than the Respondent.
Alistair Cockburn