Law Society-v-Michael Charles Gray
Edinburgh 28th June 2005. The Tribunal having considered the Complaints dated 9th June 2004, 1st December 2004 and 14th January 2005 at the instance of the Council of the Law Society of Scotland against Michael Charles Gray, Solicitor, formerly of 115 Morrison Street, Edinburgh and now of 30A Windsor Street, Edinburgh; Find the Respondent guilty of Professional Misconduct singularly and in cumulo in respect of his failure to reply to the reasonable enquiries made of him by the Law Society concerning the affairs of numerous clients, his failures to implement mandates intimated to him, his failure to complete satisfactorily conveyancing transactions in which he was involved, his failure to deliver title deeds and to respond to enquiries made of him by a fellow solicitor, his failure to carry out work for which he had obtained a fee in advance and his failure to obtain sufficient funds timeously from the Legal Aid Board to meet a professional account and failure to respond to enquiries made of him by a professional witness in relation to delay in settlement of the account; Order that the name of the Respondent Michael Charles Gray be struck off the Roll of Solicitors in Scotland; Make Orders under Section 53C(2) of the Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980 in respect of the Respondent’s failure to comply with the Determinations and Directions of the Law Society made under Section 42A within the period specified in the notice intimated to the Respondent in terms of Section 42B of the Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980; Find the Respondent liable in the expenses of the Complainers and in the expenses of the Tribunal as the same may be taxed by the auditor of the Court of Session on a solicitor and client indemnity basis in terms of Chapter Three of the Law Society’s Table of Fees for general business; and Direct that publicity will be given to this decision and that this publicity should include the name of the Respondent.
Kenneth Robb
Vice Chairman