Law Society-v-Gordon Dangerfield
Edinburgh 6 March 2020. The Tribunal, having considered the Complaint dated 22 November 2018 as amended by the Complaint of 18 March 2019 at the instance of the Council of the Law Society of Scotland against Gordon Dangerfield, Archer Coyle Solicitors, 513 Clarkston Road, Muirend, Glasgow as amended; Find the Respondent not guilty of professional misconduct; Find the Complainers liable in the expenses of the Respondent restricted by 25%, chargeable on a time and line basis as the same may be taxed by the Auditor of the Court of Session on an agent and client, client paying basis in terms of Chapter Three of the last published Law Society’s Table of Fees for general business with a unit rate of £14.00; Certify the cause as appropriate for Junior Counsel; and Direct that publicity will be given to this decision and that this publicity should include the name of the Respondent and witnesses but need not identify any other person.
Nicholas Whyte
Interlocutor of 12 September 2019:
Edinburgh, 12 September 2019. The Tribunal, having heard submissions and considered the four questions of law agreed and submitted by the parties; Answered the first of those questions in the affirmative and the remaining three questions in the negative; Repelled the preliminary pleas of both parties; Fixed a procedural hearing for 16 December 2019; and Reserved all questions of expenses until the conclusion of the case.
Colin Bell
Vice Chair
Interlocutor of 16 December 2019:
Edinburgh, 16 December 2019. The Tribunal, on the opposed motion of the Complainers, receives the affidavit of Sheriff Douglas A. Brown dated 6 December 2019; continues the Complaint to the hearing fixed for 22 and 23 January 2020; and reserves all questions of expenses until the conclusion of the case.
Colin Bell
Vice Chair