Law Society-v-David George Robertson
Edinburgh 13 February 2007. The Tribunal having considered the Complaint dated 21 November 2006 at the instance of the Council of the Law Society of Scotland against David George Robertson, Solicitor, 34 Rhannan Road, Glasgow; Find the Respondent guilty of Professional Misconduct in respect of his misappropriation of £10,000 from his client, his misleading another client by giving her the false impression that he had settled her reparation claim in the sum of £10,000 when this was not the case and his preparing a Will on behalf of another client in which a significant monetary benefit was conferred on him; Order that the name of the Respondent, David George Robertson be struck off the Roll of Solicitors in Scotland; Find the Respondent liable in the expenses of the Complainers and in the expenses of the Tribunal as the same may be taxed by the auditor of the Court of Session on a solicitor and client indemnity basis in terms of Chapter Three of the last published Table of Fees for general business with a unit rate of £11.85; and Direct that publicity will be given to this decision and that this publicity should include the name of the Respondent.
Alistair Cockburn